Group Values and Agreements for Working Together*
1. We value respect.
We agree not to devalue or dismiss people for their experiences. We agree to listen carefully to each other. And we agree to be willing to change our perspective and make space for others to do the same.
2. We value giving each other the benefit of the doubt.
We will trust that people are doing the best they can.
3. We value constructive dialogue
and we agree to create a safe atmosphere for open, honest exchange.
4. We value stepping up and stepping back.
We agree to share responsibility for including all voices in the discussion by paying attention to our individual level of participation. If we have said a lot, we will hold back a bit, and we will look for ways to involve quieter members of the group into the discussion.
5. We value challenging the idea and not the person.
If we wish to challenge something that has been said, we agree to challenge the idea or the practice referred to, not the individual sharing this idea or practice.
6. We value our commitment to learning from one another
We acknowledge our differences (in backgrounds, skills, interests, values) and realize those differences will increase our awareness and understanding and thereby help us make better decisions.
7. We value voicing our discomfort.
If we are uncomfortable with something or think someone else might be, we agree to speak up and not leave it for someone else to have to respond to it.
*These norms were adapted and revised from the Inclusive Teaching page of University of Michigan’s College of Literature, Science and the Arts