
Rollout Date: December 2013


Phase II of the Research Administrative System (RAS) project concluded in the last quarter of 2009, producing the RAS Strategic Plan. The Plan prioritized the procurement and implementation of a campus-wide system for UCSF’s pre-award and non-financial grant management needs. The RAS Steering Committee subsequently adopted this plan, laying the groundwork to implement eProposal.

The PMO pre-award team issued an RFP laying out UCSF’s system requirements in January 2010. Vendor proposals were evaluated through the spring and summer of 2010, after which the pre-award team scheduled demonstrations for the finalists. iMedRIS was selected as the highest scoring vendor in late fall, and the PMO pre-award team began coordinating the system implementation.

eProposal is a comprehensive system to manage sponsored research proposal preparation, routing and approvals, and submission to the sponsor. It interfaces with UCSF’s Peoplesoft and payroll (PPS) systems as well as Grants.gov and NIH eRA Commons to facilitate direct system-to-system proposal submission. It includes a comprehensive budgeting tool enabling the budget information to be entered once and flow correctly to federal government provided forms as well as UCSF financial systems. The system is configured to be a collaborative tool to allow various stakeholders in the proposal preparation process easy access to relevant information and reduce information bottlenecks across the campus.

eProposal allows the Office of Sponsored Research and other departments on campus to achieve greater efficiencies in areas of:

  • Proposal Creation and Supporting Documentation Management
  • Submission and Negotiations Management
  • Workflow
  • Reports