Lean Certification: Upcoming Dates and Accomplishments from our Certified Lean Practitioners

Lean Practitioner Certification

FAS Lean Practitioner Certification 

celebrates and recognizes participants who have demonstrated conceptual understanding of Lean and the thought process behind the A3 framework, including 

  • ‌defining the problem 
  • ‌explaining the gaps between the current condition and target condition
  • ‌proposing countermeasures to address the root causes.

‌Participants show effective application of A3 Thinking to address a problem in their functional area by leading at least one cycle of change with measurable results. All UCSF employees are eligible to apply. Application cycles for certification run year-round and at least two ceremonies are conducted annually to showcase candidates’ project through A3 presentation and reflection.

‌How do you get Certified? 

‌Step 1: Training 

‌Step 2: Demonstrating application of A3 Thinking and Lean tools

‌Step 3: Presenting your A3

‌Visit https://pmo.ucsf.edu/fas-lean-practitioner-certification-program for more information and an in-depth breakdown of the steps listed above.

If you're ready to become a Certified Lean Practitioner, submit your UCSF Lean Practitioner Application by April 10th.

Our Lean Practitioner Celebration will be held on May 8th.


Read More about Lean Practitioner Certification


Lean Practitioner Certification Application Materials


Submit Your Lean Certification Materials Here


Celebrating Certified Lean Practitioners

Leon Bailey with his poster at the 7th Annual UCSF Health Improvement Poster Symposium


Leon Bailey presented his Lean Improvement project at the 7th Annual UCSF Health Improvement Poster Symposium last May.

‌This event recognizes and celebrates improvement efforts and has been a mechanism to spread innovation and best practices across UCSF, helping build a culture of continuous improvement.

‌Any provider, nurse, staff, or trainee who worked on a project within a UCSF Health setting is encouraged to submit a poster.

‌Leon became a Certified Lean Practitioner in Spring 2023 for his A3 "Enhancing the Accessibility, Reliability, and Overall Quality of the Controller's Office Website". Leon works in the Controller's Office.

Sami Gonzalez receiving her award at the CHEC Conference

Sami Gonzalez received the Focus on Efficiency award for her A3 work at the 2023 California Higher Education Collaborative (CHEC) Conference, which convenes administrative leaders and professionals from three segments of California public higher education, to encourage the exchange of ideas and practices, which can improve administrative performance, service, and outcome.

‌Last year's theme was "New Opportunities--Common Challenges”.


‌Sami became a Certified Lean Practitioner in Fall 2023 for her A3 "Junior Specialist Onboarding".

‌Sami works in the Microbiology and Immunology Department.